On Thursday, June 03, 2021 (16:30, Madrid) Professor César Rodríguez-Garavito (New York University School of Law) will participate in the Jesús G. Amuchastegui Permanent Seminar with the presentation: «Litigating the Climate Emergency: The Global Rise of Human Rights-Based Litigation for Climate Action».
César Rodríguez-Garavito is a director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. He is a human rights and environmental justice scholar and practitioner whose interests focus on global governance, climate change, socioeconomic rights, business and human rights, and the human rights movement.
His publications include “Disrupting Human Rights: Existential Challenges and a New Paradigm for the Field” (forthcoming, Oxford, book chapter), Business and Human Rights: Beyond the End of the Beginning(Cambridge, ed.), Radical Deprivation on Trial: The Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in the Global South (Cambridge, coaut.); Compliance with Socioeconomic Rights Judgments (Cambridge, co-ed.); Rising to the Populist Challenge: A New Playbook for the Human Rights Field (Dejusticia, co-ed.), Balancing Wealth and Health: the Battle over Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Latin America (Oxford, co-ed.); “Amphibious Sociology: Action-Research for a Multimedia World” (Current Sociology); “The Future of Human Rights: From Gatekeeping to Symbiosis” (Sur Journal); Law and Society in Latin America: A New Map (Routledge, ed.); Making it Stick: Compliance with Social Rights Judgments (Cambridge, co-ed.); “Ethnicity.gov: Global Governance, Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Prior Consultation in Social Minefields” (Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies); “Beyond the Courtroom: The Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in Latin America” (Texas Law Review); “Global Governance and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct and Anti-Sweatshop Struggles in Global Apparel Factories in Mexico and Guatemala” (Politics & Society); and Law and Globalization from Below: Toward a Cosmopolitan Legality (Cambridge, co-ed.).
About the SPA Seminar
The Jesús G. Amuchastegui Seminar - a name that has replaced the previous Permanent Seminary Law and Justice as a small act of recognition of the aforementioned member of the Group who died in 2008 - aims to be an active space for evaluation, promotion and dissemination of research in the area of Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy in Spain, articulating the debate with academics of international projection about their ongoing researchs and latest publications.
Anyone interested in attending and receiving information about the Seminar can join the distribution list by sending an email to derechoyjusticia@uc3m.es.
Prior to each session, a paper for discussion will be distributed to attendees.