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LXXII SPA: EcoSocial Transition in the Current Context of Mexico

On Monday, November 20, 2023 (11:30 AM, Madrid) Professor Amparo Martínez Arroyo, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change, UNAM (Mexico), will participate in the LXXII session of the Amuchastegui Permanent Seminar with the presentation: «EcoSocial Transition in the Current Context of Mexico».

Amparo Martínez Arroyo is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a biologist with a Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM and a PhD in Ecology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. She is an expert in analyzing environmental problems and the relationship between science and society. Over the past twenty years, her professional work has focused on applying science to public policy development to address problems related to the atmosphere and climate change in Mexico. She was the Director of the UNAM Center for Atmospheric Sciences from 2009 to 2013 and the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change from 2013 to 2021. She participates in various international organizations on global climate change. Her research covers the effects of climate variability and climate change on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as possible scenarios for their evolution under different climatic and environmental conditions. Currently, she is involved in projects related to air quality, climate change, and socio-environmental conditions.

Key Information

Date: Monday, November 20, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM (Madrid)
Room 1.A.01. Puerta de Toledo Campus (UC3M)
Live on the Derechoyjusticia YouTube channel



This activity is organized within the framework of the research project: "Theories of Justice and Global Law of Human Rights [JUSGLOBAL]" (funded by the State Research Agency: PID2019-107172RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).

The activity has received financial support from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at Carlos III University of Madrid.

About the SPA Seminar

The Jesús G. Amuchastegui Permanent Seminar—formerly known as the Permanent Seminar on Law and Justice (SPDJ), renamed in recognition of the group member who passed away in 2008—aims to be an active space for the evaluation, promotion, and dissemination of research in the areas of Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy in Spain. It fosters debates with internationally renowned academics on their ongoing research and latest publications.

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