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An ius-philosophical view of the law

On Tuesday, December 3, 2019, Manuel Atienza (University of Alicante) will present the paper An ius-philosophical view of  the law for further discussion with attendees.

Manuel Atienza is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Alicante, director of the journal Doxa, Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho and of the Master in Legal Argumentation and founder of the Asociación Iusfilosofía del Mundo Latino (I-latina).

Among his most recent publications:Tras la justicia. Una introducción al Derecho y al razonamiento jurídico (2012), El sentido del Derecho (2012), El Derecho como argumentación (2012), Curso de argumentación jurídica (2013), Podemos hacer más. Otra forma de pensar el Derecho (2013) or Filosofía del derecho y transformación social (2017).

About the SPA Seminar

The Jesús G. Amuchastegui Seminar - a name that has replaced the previous Permanent Seminary Law and Justice as a small act of recognition of the aforementioned member of the Group who died in 2008 - aims to be an active space for evaluation, promotion and dissemination of research in the area of Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy in Spain, articulating the debate with academics of international projection about their ongoing researchs and latest publications.

Anyone interested in attending and receiving information about the Seminar can join the distribution list by sending an email to

Prior to each session, a paper for discussion will be distributed to attendees.


