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Special workshop: Constitutional Reform as a Legal-Philosophical Problem

La 29ª edición del congreso mundial IVR se celebrará los días 7-13 de julio de 2019 en Lucerna, Suiza. El tema general del congreso es "Dignidad, democracia, diversidad".

En el marco del mismo, José María Sauca Cano (UC3M/GIDYJ) y Juan Carlos Bayón (UAM) organizan el workshop especial: "Constitutional Reform as a Legal-Philosophical Problem". (.pdf)


Silvina ÁLVAREZ (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

La recepción constitucional de la vida privada y familiar (Defining Private and Family Life under the Constitution)

Jorge BAQUERIZO (Universitat de Girona)

La reforma constitucional como poder "sui generis" entre el poder constituyente y los poderes constituidos: una concepción implausible (On the Wrong Track: The Conception of Constitutional Amendments as a "Sui Generis" Power between Constituent Power and Constituted Powers)

Juan Carlos BAYÓN (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Cláusulas de integración supranacional y pluralismo constitucional: ¿es posible constitucionalizar la regla de reconocimiento? (Supranational Integration Clauses and Constitutional Pluralism: Can the Rule of Recognition be Constitutionalized?)

Elena BELTRÁN (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Igualdad, derecho antidiscriminatorio y derechos de las mujeres: otra vuelta de tuerca (Equality, Anti-discrimination Laws and the Rights of Women Revisited)

Roberto GARGARELLA (Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET)

Constitucionalismo dialógico en democracias defectuosas (Dialogic Constitutionalism in Defective Democracies)

Juan José JANAMPA (Universidad del Pacífico, Lima - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

El poder de reforma constitucional y el papel democrático del juez en la revisión judicial (The Power of Constitutional Reform and the Democratic Role of the Judge in Judicial Review)

Isabel LIFANTE (Universidad de Alicante)

Algunas distinciones a propósito de la reforma constitucional (Some Distinctions about Constitutional Reform)

Jairo N. LIMA (Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná) and Rubens BEÇAK (Universidade de São Paulo)

The Paradox of Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Democracy in the Case of Constitutional Amendments

Alba LOJO (Universitat Pmpeu Fabra, Barcelona)

La aceptación colectiva de las reglas constitutivas y su función en el derecho (Which Role does the Collective Acceptance of Constitutive Rules Play into the Legal Field?)

Gema MARCILLA (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Rigidez constitucional y peligro de colapso de la convivencia política: algunos interrogantes (Constitutional Rigidity and the Danger of Collapse of Political Coexistence: Some Questions)

Mariano C. MELERO (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Los límites implícitos del poder de reforma constitucional:  problemas de fundamentación y de alcance (Implicit Limits on the Power of Constitutional Amendment:  Problems of Foundation and Scope)

Javier ORTIZ-FLORES (Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación, México)

La aplicación nacional del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos como problema jurídico-filosófico (Domestic Application of International Human Rights Law as a Legal-Philosophical Problem)

Luis RODRÍGUEZ-ABASCAL (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

La rigidez constitucional de las fronteras políticas (The Constitutional Entrenchment of Political Boundaries)

José María SAUCA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

El sujeto de la reforma constitucional: en torno al cambio de fundamento por el fundamentado (The Agent of Constitutional Reform: On the Change of Constitutional Foundations by Who is Founded by Them)

Francisco Javier TORNERO (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Reforma, contrarreforma o ruptura: itinerarios del cambio constitucional (Reform, Counterreform or Rupture: The Paths of Constitutional Change)

Isabel TURÉGANO (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Continuidad constitucional y posibilidad de cambios informales de la constitución (Constitutional Continuity and the Possibility of Informal Constitutional Changes)

Puedes consultar toda la información sobre el Congreso aquí.

Workshop organizado en el marco del proyecto Reforma Constitucional: Problemas Filosóficos y Jurídicos (DER2015-69217-C2-2-R).


The 29th IVR world congress will take place between 7th and 13th July 2019 in Lucerne, Switzerland. The organisation is a joint undertaking between lucernaiuris, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies at the University of Lucerne, and the Swiss Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. The overarching theme of the 2019 congress is “Dignity, Democracy, Diversity".

José María Sauca Cano (UC3M / GIDYJ) and Juan Carlos Bayón (UAM) will organize the following special workshop: "The constitutional reform as a legal-philosophical problem". (.pdf)

The aim of this Workshop is to open a discussion on constitutional reform from a legal-philosophical perspective. Some scholars have already been personally invited to this Special Workshop by the conveners, but it is also open to additional participants. If you would like to join, please send an abstract (max. 500 words) to or by February 28, 2019. The selected presenters (up to 8) will be informed by March 15th and kindly requested to submit their final paper by June 1st.

Languages: English, French, Italian or Spanish.

A website ( is already in place and more information will be added to the congress website successively.



Cursos y Workshops
