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Carmen Perez at the EU Sport Forum 2023
Panel "Organising sustainable sport events in Europe"

Professor Carmen Pérez González, researcher of the GIDYJ group and director of the UNESCO Chair ELIS, participated in the 2023 EU Sport Forum that took place on May 2 and 3 in Stockholm, Sweden. 

The EU Sport Forum is an annual event organized by the European Commission in support of the ongoing dialogue with the European and international sport community. It is a central meeting point between sport organizations, representatives of EU institutions and Member States to exchange views on current and future sport policies.

This year's Forum examined some of the most topical issues in the sport sector, with a focus on integrity, good governance and gender equality. The Forum also addressed the sustainability of major sporting events, the importance of sport for physical and mental health, as well as how best to support athletes in developing skills and qualifications during and after their sporting careers. 

Prof. Perez spoke on the panel entitled Perez spoke on the panel entitled "Organising sustainable sport events in Europe" together with Peter Fischer (Policy Officer, Sport Unit, DG EAC, European Commission), Annegret Korff (Head of Unit, Directorate-General Sports, Ministry of the Interior and Community, Germany), Hans von Uthmann (President of the Swedish Olympic Committee) and Mark Cutajar (Head of SportMalta).

Disponible el video de la sesión (link 5:02:00) 

